Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have been tagged by Robin so here goes:

What am I reading?

Right now I am reading John Grisham " The Innocent Man". It about a killing in Ada, Oklahoma of several young girls and the conviction of 2 innocent men.

Just finished "The Memory Keeper's Daughter " about a doctor that had a set of twins and did not keep the girl because she had Down's Syndrome. This is a really good book with the most unlikely of endings.

Also just finished "Not Flesh Nor Feather" about a flood in Chattanogga and things coming out of the river...kind of far fetched but not a bad read.

What I am listening to?

Probably soft rock or country. Love both kinds of music and keep the radio on at work all the time. When I get tired of one, I switch over to the other.

What am I watching ?

Since I bowl on Thursday nights and my VCR is broke, I have been recording Grey's Anatomy on my TIVO and watching the stuff I missed. Love Grey's Anatomy. Also watching the audition for the new funny. Do not watch the actual show but love the auditions. Also waiting for the new Survivor...TIVO...yeah!!!!!

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