Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Job Hunting and Summer School

My son lost his job yesterday. He is in the automotive industry and with the price of gas people are not getting thier cars fixed. It's bad enough to lose your job but he has a week old baby. He lives in an area that is not heavily populated and with the old job he was driving 50 miles one way to work. As you probably figured out, his wife is off on maturity leave and is not workimg right now either.

What do you say to him? I'm sorry son. Something will come up....maybe. I am so glad hubby and I have something to fall back on(he draws his SSI)if we should lose our jobs. That is how we ended up and hubby both lost our jobs. Times were better then than now.....

It just seems like everytime he gets it together...something knocks him back down. How much bad luck can one person have? He has a tendancy to get depressed...hope he can work his way thorugh this one.

I am really worried about's tough being a parent...even to a 40 yr. old.

My daughter has started her summer semester at school. Second day and she hates it all ready. She has not had a break since she started because she is trying to finish her degree before son-in-law gets sent somewhere else for his job (like Baltimore).
She is so deep into her degree she cannot transfer and if she did she would basically lose a whole year.....yeah..not seeing that happen.

Anyway, second day and she has 2 pop quizs...second day!!! This is the summer and you would think it would be a little less intense. Of course these are upper level classes so maybe not!!!

The cost of gas is effecting them also. With only one income,she has to drive 40 miles having a job with no money coming in..things can get tight.

They will be OK...she is working a big 6 hrs a week at Bath and Body and they are really good with money....better than me or her Dad.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I sympathize. I hope your son finds work soon.