Friday, February 13, 2009

I have become a statistic

Yep, I have become a statistic...LOST MY JOB !!!!! I have become part of the thousands of people that are unemployed. Lost my job on January 22, 2009 and the pickings are really slim. After you have worked all your life, you would hope at 61 to be in postion that it would not have that much impact on your life...that being job choice for the last 20 yrs has been manufacturing...need I say more.

I did try to cross train a couple of years ago when I was laid off from yet another manufacturing job but hubby lost his job it just could not happen. So we picked up and moved so we could find something else and start yet again.

I am not complaining because it has allowed to me make good friends in various parts of the country.

Not old enough to do the SSI thing and to hyper to stay at home.

Looking, looking, looking


anita said...

Gosh girl, so sorry to hear! I hope you find something soon!

Robin said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! I hope you have better luck finding something else than I have. I've gone back to school instead.