Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looking for the thin me.....

Inside every large woman is a skinny woman screaming to get out.....but cartoon people lose so much easier than real folk....

I use to be "little", "thin", "tiny", skinny......long, long ago....vague memory
Went and saw my Mom recently and she made the comment " I never thought Carolyn would be as big as she is!"

Ok, I know Mama is old and old people are somtime blunt....even rude... but it's not like I am huge.

I mean, I am bigger than I was when I was 40 but I am still a size 12. They say the average woman is a size 14 so I am below average.....right????

I use to be Olive Oyl

Yep that was me...a stick..straight up and curves..(kinda like my hair..see a pattern here).

I was a perfect 36......12, 12, 12...5"5" 110 lbs. Alright,probably 115 lbs....but thin!!!!!

Then I quit smoking...that is a good thing..but my body did not like me depriving it of all that nicotine(smoked a lot).....vengeful little's body....

So, the body what I can do.....POOF!!!!!!!!!

I'll make you beefy...your body and fat will become BFF.....

I'm still a perfect 36....the numbers just grew a little...still straight with no curves but now more of a log...tree trunk. I am still a perfect 36 just now I am more like 36, 36, 36.

So dear hubby and I are dieting...he lost 16 lbs..I lost a finger nail...

Sitting on the couch, watching the Biggest Loser on TV..eating my 100 calories Blue Bell Moo Bar and thinking I sure would like to lose 6-10 a week.....but to many cigarettes(could not physically do what they do), lots of work, nobody to cook my meals for me, not enough time to measure out the food.....

Ya know size 12 is not so bad after all.

Could be a lots worse...............


Deb said...

Hi Carolyn ~ I am so glad you stopped by and left me a comment. YES! This is so weird.. it IS like we are on the same path in life... I even had a weiner dog named Oscar years ago. HA!! Sorry it took me so long to respond back to you but I've been in Oklahoma visiting and babysitting my little cutie and now I'm back in Colorado. I will be here for about a week or so and then I will be driving my car packed to the rim and making the move a little more permanent. I would love to add you to my blog roll... would that be okay?

Senior Bowler-Carolyn said...


That would be is always so nice to make new friends......