Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weight Loss

Ever once in a while, I get the grand idea that this post menopausal, non thyroid working, no metabolism body can lose weight. WHAT WAS I THINKING.....

Recently, my daughter and I started the Weight Watchers Point-low carb-Your best life-You on a Diet at South Beach Diet. My niece ask me if I had lost weight and one of the guys at work did the same thing. I mean...it's a guy...the notice nothing..have you lost weight person.

It must be true.......

Pants don't seem to be as tight...stomach may be a little flatter...believe I have lost weight.....

Went to the Doctor...stepped on the scales ---YEP here it is 5 big ones..know it..pants looser.....waiting.....2.1 lbs less

What????? Big shoes, I have on big shoes, 2 shirts....lets do it again!!!!

2.1 lbs......only 1 month for 2.1 lbs...let's see at this rate I will be at my ideal weight in January 2010.....

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Growing Old Ain't for Sissies

As I enter the twilight years of my life, I have decided that getting older is hard work. Nothing works as good or as regular as it did when you were in your 20's 30' 40's or 50's.

Take for instance body functions...gas.....

Why is it when your young the "Pull my finger" Uncle was so funny but not so when you got older....that's just gross!!!! You know you all have them!!!!

Anyway..I degress..as you get older that is one body functon that looses it mind?? Mind??? Seems like you have zero control over what your body is doing.

Recently I bought a pair of shoes and in the process of stooping over and trying shoes on...it just happened. Right in the middle of the Shoe Department!!!

Where did that come from??? Thought I was safe and no one was within 2 aisles of me to hear (pretty loud)until I heard it. The unmistakeable snicker of teenage girls!!!

Yep, there they were..right behind me. OH MY GOD..do you pretend it is not you? NO one else even close....the snicker becomes laughter. Then the laughter becomes snorts as they tell thier Mother what the old lady did.

I am mortified and move to another aisle to escape....to no avail. I can still here the snorting of teenage girls. When did I loose control of my body? I am a type A personally and have to always be in control.....

Then I hear it...the walking ones from another old lady.....things could be worse I guess. I laugh as I see her look around...the saga never ends

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Girl's Day Out

Ever once in a while you just need a "Girl Day" . My daughter and I had that yesterday. Met for lunch and just talked. She has a lot with school, church, scouts and kids so sometimes it is good just to talk about nothing...you know hair, clothes, junk......

After lunch went to Hallmark for cards, Sam's for nothing....saw some cute stuff..have to go back. Pedicure was on the list but will have to save that for another time.

Then to a "Chick Flick". Yep, saw the ultimate "Chick Flick"...27 Dresses......cute, cute, cute.....

Such a nice day......

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It's a Girl

It's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!

We found out yesterday that my son and his wife are having a girl. Being a blended family--Jay has 4 kids and I have 2,we have grandaughters but this will be the only grandaugther from my kids. We just got little Summer(Jay's side)but Jay's kid live off and we do not get to see them often. We actually have 3 other granddaughters aged 22, 21 and 16 but we have never had the opportunity to be real grandparents. They have always lived in Vegas or Utah and we have always been in the South.

We have 2 cute boys here , age 13 and 8 but now we will have a little girl. I am so excited !!!!!! Ribbons and bows and all things girly...can't wait. Baby is due the latter part of May or the first of June. Shawn's (my son) daddy's b'day is June 02...how cool would that be?????

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have been tagged by Robin so here goes:

What am I reading?

Right now I am reading John Grisham " The Innocent Man". It about a killing in Ada, Oklahoma of several young girls and the conviction of 2 innocent men.

Just finished "The Memory Keeper's Daughter " about a doctor that had a set of twins and did not keep the girl because she had Down's Syndrome. This is a really good book with the most unlikely of endings.

Also just finished "Not Flesh Nor Feather" about a flood in Chattanogga and things coming out of the river...kind of far fetched but not a bad read.

What I am listening to?

Probably soft rock or country. Love both kinds of music and keep the radio on at work all the time. When I get tired of one, I switch over to the other.

What am I watching ?

Since I bowl on Thursday nights and my VCR is broke, I have been recording Grey's Anatomy on my TIVO and watching the stuff I missed. Love Grey's Anatomy. Also watching the audition for the new Idol...so funny. Do not watch the actual show but love the auditions. Also waiting for the new Survivor...TIVO...yeah!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Summer is here !!!!!!!!!!!!

In the mist of all the cold and wet, little Summer entered our life. She was born 1/13/2008. Weighing in at 6 lbs. 13 1/2 oz. she was born little after midnight. She is welcomed by her brothers Vincent and Jonas.

As I look into this sweet childs face and the faces of her brothers.....I wonder what would make a man throw his 4 children off a bridge. If you have not seen it on your news.....a man threw is 4 children off the Dauphin Island bridge. 2 boys and 2 little girls..age 3 months to 3 years. They have found both boys and one of the little girls ( they are 1 & 2) so they do not know which little girls they have. Still looking for the other little girl..

BAYOU LA BATRE -- The body of a young girl -- one of four siblings who authorities say were tossed from the Dauphin Island bridge by their father -- washed ashore in the marshlands of eastern Mississippi, discovered by a marine patrol officer Tuesday morning.

The girl has not been identified, officials said, but she is one of two young missing sisters, Hannah Luong, 2, and Lindsey Luong, 1.

The bodies of the girls' two brothers -- Ryan Phan, 3, and Danny Luong, 4 months -- were found in the coastal lands of Alabama during the weekend.

Authorities vowed to continue searching for the remaining missing girl, despite weather forecasts for thunderstorms today.

Investigators launched a massive search on Jan. 8 after police said the children's father, Lam Luong, confessed to throwing them off the two-lane 80-foot-tall bridge as an act of revenge against his wife, Kieu Phan.

Luong, 37, of Irvington, is in jail on four counts of capital murder in connection with the deaths of the four children. Luong's attorney has since said that Luong has said he was pressured by police into making a false confession.

The unidentified girl's body was found Tuesday at 9 a.m. by a marine patrol officer with the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources, which has been helping in the search.

Rusty Pittman, marine patrol assistant chief, said the officer found the body in the North Rigolets Bayou, near the Mississippi-Alabama state line.

"We're just trying to help bring this family some closure," Pittman said.

Officials said family members recognized clothing found on the girl's body, but it remained unclear which of the two sisters had been found, pending an official identification from a medical examiner.

So happy having little Summer but so sad for everyone associated with the 4 little children.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Your appointment is......

Seems like all I have done since the new year is complain..so why change a trend.

I hate doctor appointment...they are a total waste of my time if I am not sick. "We can't renew your meds cause we have not seen you in six month"

" You have not made a change to my meds in 6 years"

"That is true but we still have to see you. Are you sick?"

" NO, I just need my meds filled!!!!"

"We will see you WEDNESDAY at 4:00"

Took off from work early so I could get to the appointment I did not need on time to find out the DR did not come in.

"We called you" "When????" "Today" "What time" 3:30...

That was last week ....rescheduled for this week. Same time..different day...

Today..got to the DR office..left work early...sign in and come back..it will be hours......how many ???? Hours..it is 4 now.....sorry.....hours!!!!!!

Here is the problem..you have to get your PCM (primary care manager)approved before you can go see him or her.....This was the only doctor in a 50 mile radius that took our insurance......


Just got a new doctor and will see how long I keep him......maybe my wait will be less than HOURS......

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

On my high horse !!!!

They closed grandson # 2 school for 10 days because "traces " of lead paint was found in the rafters when they sand blasted the school to repair. I know the EPA says lead paint is bad for you if you eat....but I bet my kids ate plenty.

They cut thier teeth on thier cribs, the coffee table, toys and anything they could get in thier mouth. They seems to be fine to me. Didn't know I was not suppose to allow this......

Son looses his mind ever once in a while...huh...maybe it is the paint. Just took longer to effect him.

I know we are suppose to protect our kids but how much paint are they going to get from a beam that is 20 ft in the air?

Kids are fat because of McDonald's....really???? Grown ups can't say no...

You can't fail Johnny cause it messes with his self esteem...how about when he can't read well enough to fill out a job application...

How sad that he cannot read .......so many books lost.

Must be getting old.....

Think my time was easier, played in the yard, rode our bikes ( probably with lead paint), watched our 3 channels on TV and actually went to the library for books....

Friday, January 4, 2008

You got mail

Working in a manufacturing environment, you get 10,000 email a year. There are those that say "Send this to 10 people in 10 minutes..yadda, yadda, yadda. Everybody you work with that gets it send it to you....nothing happens

There are those that say "See what happens when you send this to 10 people"..that would be nothing.....again you get this 50 times from the people you work with...

Then there are those people who have nothing to do so they forward you thier whole in box at one time....50 more....

Love the turn your volume up.....no speaker kids..can't hear it...

"You have been slapped by the friendship fairy..so glad your my friend....I got that from who again?????

But to get to the point, from these 10,000 emails ..the ones that I do not automatically delete because it has been forwarded 25 times and you have to scroll through all that stuff to see what it is about..

I keep the good saying in a folder on my computer. This is my list for the 2007 year.
Hope you enjoy them:

1. Take care of your body, It is the only one you have.

2. Be kind. Be gentle. Be compassionate.

3. Be honest. Your reputation is your most valuable asset.

4 Stand up for what you believe in.

5 . Help to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

6. Laugh often. A good sense of humor can cure almost all of life’s ills.

7. Show respect for all living things, including this planet on which we live.

8. Music and books can heal your soul. Have a good collection of both.

9. Keep a journal. Life moves fast and writing down your thoughts, feelings and experiences can be incredibly grounding.

10. Sometimes being a friend means just ‘being’ there. Words aren’t always necessary and silence can be golden.

11. If you know you’re wrong … admit it.

12. Choose your friends very carefully.

13. Stay connected to those you love.

14. Look for the good in people.

15. Listen to others and to children.

16 Never underestimate your ability. You can do anything you put your mind to.

17. Finish what you start.

18 Save at least 15% of your income

19. Live within your means.

20. Everyone has greatness within his or her soul. Find your passion