Thursday, January 24, 2008

Growing Old Ain't for Sissies

As I enter the twilight years of my life, I have decided that getting older is hard work. Nothing works as good or as regular as it did when you were in your 20's 30' 40's or 50's.

Take for instance body functions...gas.....

Why is it when your young the "Pull my finger" Uncle was so funny but not so when you got older....that's just gross!!!! You know you all have them!!!!

Anyway..I you get older that is one body functon that looses it mind?? Mind??? Seems like you have zero control over what your body is doing.

Recently I bought a pair of shoes and in the process of stooping over and trying shoes just happened. Right in the middle of the Shoe Department!!!

Where did that come from??? Thought I was safe and no one was within 2 aisles of me to hear (pretty loud)until I heard it. The unmistakeable snicker of teenage girls!!!

Yep, there they were..right behind me. OH MY you pretend it is not you? NO one else even close....the snicker becomes laughter. Then the laughter becomes snorts as they tell thier Mother what the old lady did.

I am mortified and move to another aisle to no avail. I can still here the snorting of teenage girls. When did I loose control of my body? I am a type A personally and have to always be in control.....

Then I hear it...the walking ones from another old lady.....things could be worse I guess. I laugh as I see her look around...the saga never ends


anita said...

lol oh my gosh, i cannot stop laughing!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

You know what? I consider it "Multi-tasking" - I can pee, sneeze and cough all at the same time!