Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I wish I had, I wish I had.....

Why is it when money is can think of all these things you want?
Hubby is a mechanic and with gas being so high...people are not getting thier cars fixed.

Little explanation here about how he gets paid.....
Mechanics get paid by the job based on the time a manual says it will take to fix the problem with your car. If the manual says Hubby can fix this in 1 hour..he gets paid for 1 hour...if he fixes it in 20 minutes-he get paid for 1 hr. If it takes him 3 hrs..he get paid for 1 hr.
So...he can be there for 8 hrs and only get paid for 3 hrs.

Hubby averaged about 30-35 per week...that's pretty good. Since gas has gone so high..he is only averages about 1/2 that. That means our bring home pay have been cut in half!!!!!

Anyway, when we were making good money.....I did not want any of this stuff...but now that were not ....I HAVE to have it.....

I want a scanner......I don't need one right now but I want it!!!!!

I want a new cordless phone for the kitchen....we have a green wall phone..think it belonged to my 83 years old mother. I don't need this right now but I want it!!!!!!!!!

I want new clothes for my trip to Baltimore...going with daughter and!!!!!!!!!!! I don't need new clothes but I want them.

Think this stuff will make my life better.......that would be a "NO" But......I want it anyway!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Oh my is calling to me

Last night I made Chili Dogs for supper.I was Jay's bowling night so need something quick. Now it was about 90 here yesterday so not sure why I made Chili Dogs but anyway I did.

I cooked 2 for me and 2 for Jay....why ??? we never eat 2.....

Back to the story...I ate one and Jay ate one...thought I will save the other and take it in my lunch tomorrow.......

Then I hear it...ya know, there is another hot dog in here....yep and really need to eat it.....

I don't want it right now....yeah but there is a hot dog and chili in there girl

So being the wuss I am ...I ate the other hot dog,(which I really did not want)the rest of the chili and gave Jay's dog to the dog....


As I mentioned, I take my lunch to work because I only get 30 minutes. So since I could not take the hot dog from last night....ate it...I took a sandwich, chips and a diet drink. Also took some watermelon for break.....

Here it is, lunch time, and I eat my sandwich,chips, drink and was good to go until I thought

Then I hear it...Ya know..there is watermelon in there....
Yeah but I am going to eat it for break.
You probably need to eat it

The lunch bucket people might get it or the desk fairy may give it to her friends...better not take a chance....

(Don't you love the desk fairy)

So being the strong person that I am......I ate the watermelon......wimp.....

Do think food has the power of mind control/ It is possible!!!!

The company has a "Walk to Memphis" program where 2 people have to walk 424 miles between now and August 13......2000 steps equal 1 mile....give me the pedometer.....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The ABC"S of Me

Recently while visiting my friend Anita"a blog ( )she had the ABC's of me . I thought it was pretty cool,so thought I would share with the rest of you.

This is the ABC"S of me:
Breakfast or no breakfast: -No breakfast
Chore I don’t care for:-Washing clothes
Dog or Cat:...2 Dogs
Essential Electronics: Cell phone and computer
Favorite Cologne: Pleasure by Estee Lauder
Gold or Silver: Gold
Handbag I carry most often: Red one from Pennys
Insomnia: NO
Job Title: Administrative Assistant
Kids: 2
Living Arrangements: Married
Most Admirable Trait: I am a good person
Naughtiest Childhood Behavior: Taking the car while my parents were gone with friends
Overnight hospital stay: ChildBirth (3)
Phobias: Fear of falling-broke wrist
Quote: Never argue with and idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Reason to smile: My grandchildren
Siblings: 3- 2 sisters and 1 brother
Time I wake up: 5:00am
Unusual Talent or Skill: Poet
Vegetable I Refuse to Eat: Green Beans and Artichokes
Worst Habit: Judging people on the first meeting, although I am usually right
X-rays: Not many
Yummy Stuff: Ice cream and apple pie
Zoo Animal I Like Most...Sea Otters—they make me smile
Have seen lots of these via email but not exactly like this.....

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gene Challanged

I think I am Gene challenged. I mean.... I know I am jean challanged but I believe the imagination gene and the creativity gene has skipped my generation completely. Actually, I believe it has skipped several generations.

After I found Colleens blog ( all the wonderfully talented people she knows, I knew for sure that the creativity gene was not be to found in this body.

I would never see and old desk at a thift store and think "How pretty that would be in blue and I could do this or that. Or see an old beat up lunch box with a home made handle and think I could put this on the front or that on the back. NEVER HAPPEN!!!!

I thought I was a pretty good writer until I read her blog about her funny. Only a truly gifted person could make lazy eye so hilarious.....

Although I am a pretty good poet:

The room was quiet, no visitor today;
The people he loved had gone away.
Alone he sat and wondered if this was his life;
No children to visit , no love of a wife.
He has memories of a better time;
He sees a different man in his mind.
Life has made him old with a crooked spine;
But he sees a strength words cannot define.
His hands are strong made for shaping life;
The joys, sorrows, accomplishments and the strife.
Life is a novel it’s plot, beauty not exposed;
In his mind he is young never to be old.
The room was quiet, no visitor today;
The people he loved had all gone away.

Anyway, every once in a while..the creativity gene surfaces for a brief moment...and then it is gone. Kinda like the Disney commercial with the teenage girl and her smile. Only for a brief is my brief moment of creativity.

Nate(from Oprah)said every picture should have it own frame and I had these pictures everywhere( on the coffee table, on the computer stand, on the little refrigerator we keep the beer in )and they all had different frames. So I saw this transfer at Micheal and said "Hey ,I could use this" There goes the security deposit.....

Anyway, I thought it turned out pretty well.....Thank you Colleen...all your crafts inspired me...

New Grandbaby

Payten Michelle Kimble was born May 14,2008 to Shawn and Kelli Kimble of Jefferson, Tx. This is my only granddaughter.

I have 2 beautiful grandson's-Trevor (13)and Cameron (8) and now I have this beautiful little girl.

Who could ask for more???