Monday, June 2, 2008

Gene Challanged

I think I am Gene challenged. I mean.... I know I am jean challanged but I believe the imagination gene and the creativity gene has skipped my generation completely. Actually, I believe it has skipped several generations.

After I found Colleens blog ( all the wonderfully talented people she knows, I knew for sure that the creativity gene was not be to found in this body.

I would never see and old desk at a thift store and think "How pretty that would be in blue and I could do this or that. Or see an old beat up lunch box with a home made handle and think I could put this on the front or that on the back. NEVER HAPPEN!!!!

I thought I was a pretty good writer until I read her blog about her funny. Only a truly gifted person could make lazy eye so hilarious.....

Although I am a pretty good poet:

The room was quiet, no visitor today;
The people he loved had gone away.
Alone he sat and wondered if this was his life;
No children to visit , no love of a wife.
He has memories of a better time;
He sees a different man in his mind.
Life has made him old with a crooked spine;
But he sees a strength words cannot define.
His hands are strong made for shaping life;
The joys, sorrows, accomplishments and the strife.
Life is a novel it’s plot, beauty not exposed;
In his mind he is young never to be old.
The room was quiet, no visitor today;
The people he loved had all gone away.

Anyway, every once in a while..the creativity gene surfaces for a brief moment...and then it is gone. Kinda like the Disney commercial with the teenage girl and her smile. Only for a brief is my brief moment of creativity.

Nate(from Oprah)said every picture should have it own frame and I had these pictures everywhere( on the coffee table, on the computer stand, on the little refrigerator we keep the beer in )and they all had different frames. So I saw this transfer at Micheal and said "Hey ,I could use this" There goes the security deposit.....

Anyway, I thought it turned out pretty well.....Thank you Colleen...all your crafts inspired me...

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