Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I wanna go home...oh wait I am at home

Back from my vacation to Baltimore and had a ball. Left on Saturday after the Bowling Meeting and drove to Cleveland, TN. Spent the night and drove on into to Baltimore the next day.

Went to Ft McHenry where the Star Spangle Banner was written. So very the bay (guess that is what it is). This is a replica of the flag that flew over the fort when it was attacked.

Got this great picture of a sailboat in the harbor...guess it is a harbor and not a bay.

Went to Washington DC and saw all the usual stuff....Washington Monument. Lincoln Memorial...etc.

Went to the Holocaust Museum and it was heart wrenching. Did not take pictures because it seemed almost disrepectful to take pictures of the horror's they lived. At the end of the exhibit is the "Room of Shoes". Both sides of the walk way is covered with shoes found at one of the camps. There are thousand of shoes there...all sizes and types. Men, women, kids......such a loss.

Then we went to the Vietnam Memorial..that is my generation. Our boys got thier draft notice with thier diploma. To see your reflection in the wall with all the names is kinda freaky....

Went to Gettsburg and found the Alabama Monument.....

Pretty cool..huh???
Anyway, had a safe trip up there and a safe trip home...who could ask for more....


Happyone said...

Sounds like you had a great trip and saw lots of things. Glad you enjoyed yourself and your back home safely.
I thought I might have heard you as you passed through. :-)
btw - we call it the inner harbor.

Anonymous said...

I love history and this is interesting stuff to me. And that's a pretty picture of the sailboat in the inner harbor. :-) And a very moving one of the Vietnam Memorial.

Thanks for your comment on my site. I absolutely love Guntersville!! Beautiful place.

Have a good weekend!

Jan said...

What a traveler you are! : ) Sounds like a fantastic trip!
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! It's gonna be a great day!

Happyone said...

You might be interested in this link about the Maya Angelou poem. I know it surprised me.