Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I learned.....

This is my little dog Oscar. He is about 16 yrs old and recently has had trouble getting up and around. It is not uncommon for Daschunds to have back problems. We believe Oscar was abused as a puppy and that has added to the problems he is now having with his back. We think he may have been kicked across the floor when he was a puppy as he is afraid of any shiny surface. When we take him to the vet he will not walk on the floor at all. He will not walk in the kitchen or in the garage...he does not like our foyer....hard wood.

Back to my story.....recently he has had problems pushing up on his back legs. Once he gets up...he is really wobbly. He are getting him a shot each month for this and also have him on a special dog food that is suppose to help. I cannot see that these measures have made a lots of difference. Took him back to the vet and he gave Oscar some different medicine and we are going to have the shot every 3 weeks instead of once a month. He told me as long as Oscar could "poop" and "pee" he would be ok. You know people probably think I am crazy when I am excited my dog can do "Number 1 & 2".

On with my blog....I got this email today and it so fits the situation we are in. Oscar has complete faith that Mr Man and I will always take care of him....he's so right......soooo this is what I have learned from my little dog........

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy-ride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
Take naps.
Stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.


This is not Oscar or my dogs but love the pictures:

Oscar did look like this when we first got him at age 2.

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