Friday, November 16, 2007

Beer, Bowling and Hot Wings

Last night was bowling night. We start at 6:30 and normally finish around 9:00. The team we bowled last night pre-bowled so we only had our team on the lane. My first thought was ......
Yes, we can go to Beefs and have wings and beer. They close at 9:00 on week days so can not go normally. Went something like this:

"Let's go guys"

"George your up"

"Jay your up"

Lets get this going.....after me pushing and pushing we finished at 8:30. Not sure I could get us there by 9:00. It was my mission.....

"Get you stuff Jay....have a good Turkey day everyone "
" Come on honey .....let's go"
"Have to go to the bathroom"
"You can do that at the restuarant"
" Let's go"

In the car ...on the road....yeah we have time!!!

How fast your driving?


Speed limit is only 50

I know but it is 8:45.....have to be there by 9:00.

In the parking the OPEN light still on......YES!!!!!!!!!!

"If it is fixin" (southern for going) to close we can go home"

"I don't think so...we will go to HOOTERS!!!!!"

You still servin" ( we don't use G's in the South)

Sure is good

Cold beer, hot wings, ranch dressing, celery sticks, curly fries

Can things get any better !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, being the good Mother that I am, I am on a 900 calories a day diet with my daughter so she can look good in swim suit for her cruise in December. The wings, beer and curlie fries is probably more than I can have for the next 2 days. Salad here we come..but

I tore those wings up.......and it was light beer.


anita said...

it was chicken, right? and LIGHT beer? most definitely diet food!

Robin said...

It was worth not eating for a few days. Besides, didn't you burn all the calories bowling?

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

You are a hoot! I know about the not using the "g" in words - lived in Amarillo (pronounced "Amarill-a") and noticed there were schools for "Hair dressin'" and I still use "fixin" to this day - as a matter of fact, I was in a big ol business meeting (meetin') and I used that should have seen the looks of horror on my Ex-boss's snooty face! But the client LOVED it - asked if I lever missed Texas - He hadn't ever met me, so I thought that was funny!

You sound like the kind of driver I am - when you're on a "mission" you have one thought - get there!

Like when I sorta not stop all the way at a stop sign- I like, totally PAUSE!
Have a great "Salad day" I have eaten all my WW points until Feb. 2008!
