Thursday, February 21, 2008

When did we all get old.......

This morning while getting ready for work, I realized that Jay and I are getting old. Not really old..just regular old. Everything in our house is grey..including the dog. Jay is totally grey and Oscar's whole face and legs are grey. I cover mine with highlights or it would be grey.

Oscar (the weiner dog)and Jay(the hubby) move at the same rate early in the morning. They both stretch in the morning to get the old bones limber and both make a dash for the bathroom after a night of snoring. I poke Jay only to realized it is the dog I am hearing not Jay.

Oscar flaps his ears to let me know he needs to go out now...and Jay's has his morning bout of coughing to clear the lungs after more that 40 years of smoking......wonderful morning sounds..Oscar's ear's flapping and Jay hacking.

Jay has to eat breakfast at 6:30 am everyday...(he cooks eggs, toast, hashbrown and sausage) even on the mornings he golfs. Same if we are traveling but I can hold him off until about 8:00 then.
Oscar lets me know he is out of food as soon as he is through with his morning trip. They both eat and both make another pilgrimage to the bathroom. Guess there is something to be said about a routine.......

When did we become our pets and our pets become us????

Guess I have my morning quirks but can't think of any right now.

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