Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Dancing With the White Dog

I take a 2 lane country road to work every morning. In one particular spot a White Dog lies in wait for me to come through. I never see him or her on my way home in the evening, just in the morning. I can see him/her as I approach the house. As I round the curve, he will crouch down in his pursuit form and waits for me to pass. Just as I get even with the yard, he springs into action.

You can see the determination in his face to catch the strange creature with the funny legs that has invaded his domain. He never barks just runs after the car for a short distance and then sits in the middle of the road and watches me drive away.

I just know he is thinking...tomorrow....tomorrow I will be quicker and the creature will be slower. Tomorrow the creature will be mine.......

1 comment:

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Do you remember the Hallmark movie, To Dance with the White Dog?? LOVE IT! Hallmark movies always move me to tears - actually, even their commercials move me to tears. Thanks for the "rememberie" amnd the great picture of the dog -